
1 Turning or advancing manually

vendredi 21 mai 2021, par c.chartraire

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Défi non relevé.

Compétences travaillées

C4. Notion de déclenchement d’une action par un évènement

C4. Ecrire, mettre au point et exécuter un programme commandant un système réel

Projets / Challenges

Roboty’c Saison 4

RobotYc Saison 5 - édition 2020


The robot will have precise movements to make (rotation or translations).
In order to know the number of degrees or motor revolutions to make the movements, one can start by controlling the motors manually.

In this activity, the program must :

  • make a motor turn one revolution in the positive direction when the top button on the brick is pressed
  • make the same motor turn in the negative direction when the bottom button of the brick is pressed

Think of our displacement value as a function of the number of keys pressed.