
02 grab the tree

Friday 21 May 2021, by c.chartraire

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

Défi non relevé.

Compétences travaillées

C4. Notion de déclenchement d’une action par un évènement

C4. Notion de séquence d’instructions

C4. Notion de capteur, actionneur et interface

Projets / Challenges

Roboty’c Saison 3

RobotYc Saison 5 - édition 2020


It is known how many degrees the motor must turn to close the clamp and grip the shaft.

In this activity, the program must :

  • drive the robot at a reduced speed towards the tree
  • stop the vehicle at the right distance from the tree to allow a good grip
  • close the clamp and lift the tree
  • move the vehicle to simulate the transport
  • put the tree down by opening the clamp