
Decoding a picture - Level 3

Montag 18. Oktober 2021, von c.chartraire

Alle Fassungen dieses Artikels: [English] [français]

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Support pédagogique

Papier et crayons


Cycle 3

Cycle 4

Projets / Challenges


In the previous assignment we saw how a colour image could be coded. As the program is coded for each cell, for an image of 4000 pixels this represents 4000 instructions.
We will therefore use loops which will allow us to code the 4000 pixels more quickly.

Decode the following image.


  • The red number gives the number of the line.
  • Then we need to read the number with its associated colour. For example, for line 1 we see:
    • 6 blue 4 black 5 blue
      Which we can translate as
    • Colour 6 squares blue
    • Colour 4 squares in black
    • Colour 5 squares in blue

It’s up to you to decode!
