5 Handling the clamp
vendredi 21 mai 2021, par
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Compétences travaillées
C4. Analyser le comportement attendu d’un système réel
C4. Ecrire, mettre au point et exécuter un programme commandant un système réel
Projets / Challenges
Roboty’c Saison 4
RobotYc Saison 5 - édition 2020
Before the container can be picked up automatically, the correct functioning of the gripper must be checked.
In this activity, you have to make a program that :
- opens the clamp when the bottom button on the brick is pressed
- closes the clamp when the top button of the brick is pressed
- Program a fixed rotation of the motor in degrees in order to count the total number of degrees required to grasp the container.
Note the behaviour of the clamp when it is opened or closed while the button is still being pressed.
Remember to note the number of motor revolutions to raise or lower the clamp with or without a container.
Be careful, there may be some functional play in the assembly and movement of the clamp.